Welcome My Dear Friends,
This is Vywamus and I would like to chat with you about the coming year and the transitions that are taking place in this illusionary reality, both during these past months and the coming months. As all of you have been experiencing, the framework on which you create your illusionary experiences is changing, and changing very rapidly. These changes within your illusion have been met with both an enthusiastic “YES,” and a deafening “NO!” These contradictory, emotional experiences are very confusing to the mind, especially when you have not yet completely embraced that you are the creator of your emotional, mental and physical dimensional experiences.

Dissolution of the Illusionary Framework
I am going to attempt to explain to the mind what is happening as best as I can. The framework of this illusion that you call “Earth Reality” is becoming “less sticky” so to speak. If you can imagine a white board that is covered with a sticky material, which allows you to stick different things to it, making it very easy to arrange ‘pictures of reality” upon it. In the past, this sticky substance has worked very well to hold fast that which you placed upon it, allowing the item to be held even in the briskest of winds and strongest vibrations that the board could experience. You could say that once you “stuck” an item on (or activated a pattern of belief), you could pretend (and then forget that you are pretending) that the experience is real, and the any expectations or assumptions that you made from this “real” experience would unfold just as you had predicted by the prevailing and surrounding stories, emotions and other
intersecting realities you layered around this point.

Now imagine that the sticky material, that in the past has worked so well to hold everything that you have placed on your “story board” in place, is undergoing significant decay. It is no longer working as well to hold that which you had deemed as “the truth” in place. Imagine that you stick a well-rehearsed story onto the board and very shortly it falls off, leaving a space on the board that in the past was to be “covered” with what you had thought and believed was supposed to unfold, “the truth.” What do you do now? Well, of course you reactivate the story again, stimulating all of the necessary components of the illusion, be it emotional trauma, different forms of denial…guilt, shame, victimization, pain, suffering, lack, fear…whatever form of denial that has worked in the past to prove the “realness” (i.e., truth) of your story, attempting to make the story stick to the board. And what happens? The story falls off the board again. So we repeat and repeat and repeat this pattern of attempting to make the story stick to the board, adding increased amounts of pain and suffering, be it of the mental, emotional or physical levels, simply because you are unwilling to allow yourself to “see” the illusionary quality of your favorite stories.

These patterns, and all of your stories, are not real. Many of my students have been working for eons to be able to perceive such experiences as illusions. But when the illusion actually appears as an illusion, you have been reacting and seeking to prove that the illusion is not an illusion but a “truth.” Perhaps we need to acknowledge a little unconscious attachment to our pain and suffering, and our stories, in spite of our conscious intention to let them go or change them into more of our heart’s desires. The framework of the illusionary board that you have been using to place your pretend state of realities upon is slowly dissolving, and this dissolution is having a profound effect upon the psyche of Self. Here are some of the different ways in which it has been and still is manifesting.

Energetic Exhaustion
If you have found yourself playing with an increasing focus of exhaustion, tiredness, etc. you are simply attempting, unconsciously, to substitute the dissolving sticky board with a focus of intensity, believing that such an energetic focus will somehow take the place of the dissolving framework. The exhaustion comes from “working very hard unconsciously” to prevent the framework from collapsing within your illusion. The framework is changing, and there is no stopping that, so let it go. A new framework is unfolding and it will become more apparent to you within the next couple of months. Relax and let go and allow yourself to move with what is now.

Intensified Focus of Lack
An increased experience and focus on “what is not”. In other words, an increased experience of and focus on lack. Lack, lack, lack. You see it everywhere in your life, and no matter what you are doing to “change it” it does not disappear, but rather you seem to experience it more and more. Some people play with exhaustion in an attempt to stimulate the stickiness of the white board. Others play with an intensification of the focus of lack. Holding a focus on lack, with it’s unsolvable swinging door of pain and suffering, regardless of how much energy you use to stimulate it in your attempts to “resolve” it, is not working to hold the framework together.

Lack is an illusion. I realize that many of you refuse to consider what that statement actually means, and would rather insist that lack is something very, very real – that it can be resolved by increasing, diversifying, simplifying, clarifying, or some other form of “. . . -fying” your efforts in the realms of finances, relationships, health, etc. – wherever you find yourself “experiencing” the dreaded lack. So you intensify the area that you believe occupies the greatest struggle within your psyche, and hence a “real” truth that cannot be seen as an illusion, and cannot be changed without your recipe of effort, pain, struggle and hard work. When you continue to believe that such an experience is not nor could be illusionary in nature, but see it “in fact” as very, very real, you can then believe that you are capable of “solidifying” the ever-changing nature of the framework that your unconscious is in major reaction to.

I realize that, for most of you who are choosing to play with the illusion of lack, my advice to “Let it go” will simply be ignored. For what protects the ingrained focus of lack is an attitude of righteousness. ”I am right here and if I should consider that which I am seeking to resolve is not an issue at all, then that makes me wrong.” Which brings us to the next pattern / strategy of attempting to maintain the framework of denial from dissolving.

Intensification of the Focus on Righteousness
Maintaining and energizing a focus on “right” and “wrong”. This is where you will find most of the world’s consciousness focused right now. Whether you are immersed in defining “right” vs “wrong” moralities, actions, diets, lifestyles, relationships, health flows, politics, etc., you are unconsciously intensifying your focus for the purpose of maintaining the illusionary framework that is seeking dissolution now. Most people do not recognize this focus as a focus of righteousness, but rather a focus of morality, what is “right”, overcoming that which has been deemed as “wrong.” There is an unacknowledged psychic battle going on between good and evil. The wonderful news is that the dissolution of the steadfast illusion that has been called “the human condition” is occurring regardless of everyone’s unconscious, intensified reaction to it.

The Potentials of 2016
2016 will be a year in which you as a multi-dimensional being, the Soul, will actively seek to extract a portion of your fire from the addiction of denial/illusion. What you focus on in 2016 will lay the framework of expansion for the growing awareness of creator consciousness within your human personality/ego. The process of transformation which your human ego-personality has been experiencing as it moves into creator consciousness requires a greater space within your waking consciousness. A space that is allowed to vibrate outside of the games of denial, and the “reality” of our illusionary world as we pretend it is. A space in which the vibration of Self Love, Self Reception is the primary conscious interaction with the Spark of Self. Recognition of creatorship and your power of focus is paramount in creating an “easy” flow within the moment.

There is no greater power, point of reception, or manifesting potential in your experience than the power of your focus, on a mental, emotional and physical level. This you know, and you will become even more aware of it through the experiences which you create for yourself as the year unfolds. A focus of denial, as tempting as it may be in the form of linkage, victim-ization, fear, lack, shame, self judgment, guilt, lack and hopelessness, will no longer protect you from the growing awareness that you are the creator of your inner and outer perceptions of this reality we call Earth Living. Intensification of pain and suffering in an effort to “prove” that you are not the creator will no longer be as effective in masking the growing inner recognition that you are the one who is wholly responsible for your experiences of the now.

Try as you may, immersing yourself in your stories in an attempt to maintain the illusion of victim – although extremely debilitating, emotionally paralyzing, mentally exhausting and physically contracting illusions – will no longer have the effect of discrediting or delaying the birth of creatorship within your psyche. You may try to disprove that you are changing, and that this change is not your choice, but you are experiencing it regardless of the mind games of denial you all have a tendency to play with.
Acknowledgment and reception of your creatorship is central to the solidification of this new inner framework of support, i.e., creatorship consciousness, that is manifesting within. Remember that your focus and what you choose to focus on as your experience this coming year determines your dance and your experiences within the dissolving illusionary framework. Choose wisely, my friends, and focus on what IS. You have everything you need, and there is no lack within you. Remember this.
My love to you,

Channeled by Patricia Marston-Snow & Halsey W. Snow
Copyright (c) 2016 The Vywamus Foundation, Falmouth, Maine USA All rights reserved

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